07483 234109 appt@susancollini.com

Integral Eye Movement Therapy

A typical outcome of IEMT therapy treatments is a reduction in negative emotions associated with a memory, making it a very suitable therapy for trauma-related issues and it is also an effective therapy for anxiety, depression, limiting beliefs, unwanted habits and phobias. 

IEMT addresses, “how did this person learn to be the way they are?” IEMT treatment can bring about rapid change, facilitating movement forward from the past towards more helpful ways of thinking about self, others and situations. 

More about IEMT

Integral eye movement therapy (IEMT) is a psychotherapy model that aims to reduce intense negative emotional states. To give a simple example, if you have experienced something that every time you think about it the effect causes you to have a ‘bad’ response physically, emotionally or both, IEMT can be used to reduce your reaction to what has become an imprinted negative emotional response. 

Negative emotional imprinting occurs when a person experiences an event with high intensity emotional distress, which the brain stores as an emotionally charged memory. From then on, whenever that memory is accessed it triggers the associated negative emotions (the brain’s logic prompting you to ‘run’ from the danger as fast as possible). This is the brain logic protecting you, but of course the brain’s response can be flawed. In scientific speak, what happens in a high intensity emotional response is that the hippocampus area of the brain registers a memory that is highly associated with a ‘fight or flight’ response from the amygdala.

IEMT also works with a person’s identify, bringing about helpful resolutions in areas where someone has become ‘stuck’ due to a past negative experience, influencing the way they are now.



Book a free 30 minute session to discover if IEMT could help you

IEMT enquiry

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Contact Me 

Mon: 0900 – 1700
Tuesday: 0900 – 1700
Wednesday: 1400 – 2000
Thursday: 0900 – 1700
Friday: 1400 – 2000
Weekends: By appointment only

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You are an exceptional therapist skilfully guiding, using humour, light hearted but to the point. You helped me explore and resolve sensitive things. Thank you from my heart for that.

D. Jeram

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Registered Office

Hawthorns, Brooks Road, Raunds. NN9 6NS

Phone: 07483 234109

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Susan Collini 2023