07483 234109 appt@susancollini.com

Terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions for Susan Collini’s Wellness Therapy Services

This page aims to set out general information in relation to the Terms and Conditions related to working with Susan Collini.

  1. The Wellness Therapy services I provide will be those for which I hold a suitable qualification and am covered by insurance for professional liability.
  2. Client Responsibilities towards Susan Collin require the disclosure of accurate health information and any updates of personal or medical information that might highlight contra-indications in respect of therapy treatments Susan might consider suitable for use.
  3. Appointment Booking and Cancellation: Once an appointment is booked an invoice will be raised with expectation of payment within 7 days prior to the therapy session. Cancellation of sessions will be accepted with 24 hours notice and the appointment will then be rescheduled.
  4. Confidentiality and Privacy: Susan Collini is committed to maintaining client confidentiality as set out in the ethics of the NCH and also adhering to applicable data protection laws. Susan adheres to guidance on data protections and is a member of ICO Although clients confidentiality if maintained at all times, there could be an exception to this if there was a legal obligation to do so.
  5. Code of Conduct: Client behavior during therapy sessions is expected to be respectful and the Therapist, Susan Collini, reserves the right to terminate the session if she feels that the behaviour of a client towards her is inappropriate. If a sessions is terminated for breaching the expected code of conduct there will be no refund offered for the therapy time lost.
  6. Fees and Payment: Fees will be discussed with individual clients and payment is expected prior to therapy sessions. For courses of sessions there can be arrangement for staged payments. Please ask for more information on this if required. Payment is required by BACS/FasterPayments
  7. Informed Consent: Susan Collini recognises the importance of informed consent and the client’s right to make decisions about the therapy that she will propose to the client. There are risks and benefits to be considered and Susan provides opportunities within therapy sessions, and beyond them, for clients to ask questions.
  8. Limitation of Liability: There are no guarantees with therapy and whilst a positive outcome is the aim of therapy treatments there could also be unexpected outcomes or adverse reactions that may occur during therapy. Susan Collini delivers her therapy services following protocols and guidelines ratified by the professional bodies she belongs to and has appropriate levels of Professional Liability insurance that cover the work she is qualified to deliver.
  9. Termination of Services: Circumstances where Susan Collini might terminate services with a client would be disruptive or unacceptable behaviour towards her, either within or beyond the sessions, or where she felt that the client was not engaging with their treatment plan or recommended practice beyond sessions.
  10. Intellectual Property: All materials used by Susan Collini in her therapy sessions belong to her, or she is permitted to use them by appropriate licence. Recordings and other materials supplied to clients are for there personal use and should not be shared with anyone else or sold for profitable gain.
  11. Modifications to Terms and Conditions: Susan Collini reserves the right to update or modify these terms and conditions as necessary, and will communicate such changes to clients if those changes are likely to affect their use of her services.