07483 234109 appt@susancollini.com

Cultivate a mindset for growth

Be better at what you do

Even if you are good at what you do there is always room for improvement.  A combination of clinical hypnotherapy and IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy) can help unlock your potential to boost ability to achieve greater success, through  letting go of what is holding you back and generally becoming more focused and better at what you do.

Every person, whether already feeling successful at what they do, has internal resources that have not been maximised. Being guided to access those inner resources and then utilising them to best advantage is what makes those people more successful than other people. Engaging with a few sessions of clinical hypnotherapy and/or IEMT can be instrumental in realising potential for business or personal growth.

Hypnosis can be instrumental in enhancing and improving an individual’s mental attitude and focus through embedding greater confidence in their subconscious and by helping eliminate unhelpful beliefs holding them back.

IEMT can be very effective at helping resolve underlying identity related issues that have, up to that point, stunted potential for developing that person’s full potential.

The ‘how’ of helping you

Following an initial induction interview, where your aspirations and goals are discussed in detail, a series of clinical hypnotherapy sessions would take place where you will be guided into a state of hypnosis to help you achieve the following:

  • Eliminate negative beliefs or thoughts
  • Increase dedication and motivation
  • Concentrate and relax deeply to imagine success
  • Improve self-belief and confidence
  • Overcome distraction and maintain composure
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Relaxation is key to optimising performance

When you’re under pressure it is very difficult to relax, because your mind becomes so focused on getting the job done, in the belief that once the task is completed the pressure will be relased; then you can relax. How much do you identify with that and is that what happens in practice?

Can you, I wonder, also identify with overthinking when you’re under pressure? Does your mind go into super-charge mode? You may think that’s a positive, necessary for achieving your end-goal, but actually it is more often counter-productive, with you becoming  less, rather than more able to progress towards your goal through by thinking things through clearly and creatively.

The term ‘paralysis by analysis’ has been used to describe this phenomenon of what is effectively a kind of ‘brain-freeze’ and it can impact on an individual whether they are running a business or caring for someone at home. When you’re under pressure you can feel there’s just so many jobs to be done, so much that has to be achieved to keep things running smoothly. The answer? – Just keep going until the job is done.
But I wonder, do you then take time out to recuperate by relaxing or do you just keep going until you fall into bed, your mind still whirring away that then impacts on the quality of your sleep?
If you don’t sleep properly then that then impacts further on your performance; it’s a vicious circle. 

How I can help

I can facilitate you improving your performance by helping you develop key cognitive psychhological skills; essentially about cultivating a mindset disigned to enhance performance outcomes.

Firstly I will gain an understanding of the goals you want to achieve and what unhelpful beliefs are holding you back. Secondly I will produce a plan of action that will be discussed and agreed before commencing hypnotherapy-based treatments to bring about necessary changes to be able to move steadily towards what it is you wish to achieve.

Hypnotherapy isn’t about making it happen, just through you going into hypnosis. Helpful suggestions are made to your subconscious, to help motivate and focus the mind on changing ways of thinking, feeling and behaving, but these require practice day to day to reinforce the new ways of thinking and acting. 

Hypnosis is a very natural state of mind, one where you are more open to helpful suggestions being made to improve your life experience. There is no magical transformation but hypnosis can be transformative in how it helps individuals achieve the goals they seek. 

If you would like to find out more about how hypnosis could help you cultivate a mindset for growth, for business or in your personal life, then please get in touch for a free 30 minute discovery session. You can phone/message me on 07483 234109 or send a message using the form below.


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Book a free 30 minute discovery session

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Originally posted 2023-08-22 15:51:02.